This article is dripping and oozing self-congratulatory arrogance, proving again that the author and the Democrats he defends so fervently haven't learned anything. They haven't figured out yet that it was this attitude that led to Trump's triumph over Hillary. Now (more than ever) "Democrats are deeply divided and increasingly unpopular." Really? Ever actually asked yourself honestly why? It's not in the least because they are "deeply divided". It is because their policies defy common sense and have led to terrible consequences, so much so that even lifelong Democrats are realizing that they voted for the wrong party given the very painful consequences it has brought to them as well as the rest of the country. "If Democrats are in trouble, so is our republic." That is the summum of arrogance. Because only Democrats can "save" the Republic? Be logical: they're not popular. Why? Because their policies are insane and have disastrous results. But if anyone says that they're on the wrong track, they are labeled threats the Republic? This is Bolshevik terminology as well as logic: if you are against us, you are against the people, and therefore you are fair game. The Democratic party has stooped so low (while still congratulating itself) that it may come as a big surprise that they will be completely destroyed in November. For many years. I'm doing you a favor by warning you to brace yourself. And be preapred to lose all your delusions.
This article is dripping and oozing self-congratulatory arrogance, proving again that the author and the Democrats he defends so fervently haven't learned anything. They haven't figured out yet that it was this attitude that led to Trump's triumph over Hillary. Now (more than ever) "Democrats are deeply divided and increasingly unpopular." Really? Ever actually asked yourself honestly why? It's not in the least because they are "deeply divided". It is because their policies defy common sense and have led to terrible consequences, so much so that even lifelong Democrats are realizing that they voted for the wrong party given the very painful consequences it has brought to them as well as the rest of the country. "If Democrats are in trouble, so is our republic." That is the summum of arrogance. Because only Democrats can "save" the Republic? Be logical: they're not popular. Why? Because their policies are insane and have disastrous results. But if anyone says that they're on the wrong track, they are labeled threats the Republic? This is Bolshevik terminology as well as logic: if you are against us, you are against the people, and therefore you are fair game. The Democratic party has stooped so low (while still congratulating itself) that it may come as a big surprise that they will be completely destroyed in November. For many years. I'm doing you a favor by warning you to brace yourself. And be preapred to lose all your delusions.