Jul 4Liked by David Schanzer

Thanks for the excellent column and analysis. I agree and hope it happens as you suggest. Four more years of Trump will be disastrous for American democracy. Please keep sharing your thoughts.

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Jul 3Liked by David Schanzer

Thank you, David, for speaking out at a time when all of us must stand up to be counted to save constitutional democracy. I do not agree 100%, but the crucial task is to prevent a Trump victory in November, and if replacing the hapless (and pathologically stubborn) Biden means running with Harris, then we must do so. I hope for an open convention, however, and hope that a genuinely appealing candidate, .like Whitmer or Shapiro, will emerge. Among the 15 or so candidates ever appearing in the Democratic debates in 2020, I rated Harris and Biden 13 and 14, respectively. I rated only Delaney, who sounded more like a Republican, worse. (I rated Biden worse than Harris only because of his abominable record as a Senator. He gave us Clarence Thomas and mass incarceration.) I think the best of all possible candidates, in terms both of competence and of appeal, would be Congressman Ro Khanna. But so far, I seem to be the only person in the Khanna camp.

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So glad to see in writing what I’ve been saying for several days. Harris, that’s what VPs are for, and some previously unpopular ones rose to the occasion: TR, Truman, LBJ. We need to go on the offensive against Trump. As long as Biden heads the ticket, we will have to play defense. Mark Kelly of Arizona for VP.

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It's worth googling "spinal arthritis" and Parkison's. However, it doesn't matter. We all saw the frozen face, slack chin, open mouth, extended eyes... and walk towards the podium. Those were not caused by a cold or jet lag. It's sad, but clear.

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According to Biden's most recent physical exam by the president's doctor, Kevin O'Connor, his stiff gait " is caused by a combination of spinal arthritis, mild post-fracture foot arthritis and mild sensory peripheral neuropathy affecting the way he feels his feet." Those are serious medical problems.

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Again, I am not a doctor but they really don't sound that serious. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peripheral-neuropathy/symptoms-causes/syc-20352061

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As Vinson Cunningham wrote in the New Yorker "Some observers mentioned “masked face,” a symptom of Parkinson’s characterized by decreased facial expressiveness." That's exactly what came to my mind when watching the debate. Biden must withdraw for medical reasons, and he should never have been encouraged to run. With a Harris/fill-in-the-blank ticket, things will be fine -- tons of money, enthusiasm, and momentum.

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Not interested in playing pop-physician as many are doing. His official physician has said there is no basis for suspecting he has Parkinsons. Now, maybe the doctor is lying.

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Trump may be a narcissist as many politicians are (including Biden-remember his 6 handicap comment) and inarticulate as well but to call him corrupt particularly when comparing him to Biden is absolutely laughable.

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Not even sure where to begin on this one. I guess having the Trump family foundation being shut down for misconduct and then having to pay $2 million to 8 charities because Trump was caught using charitable funds for his own personal gain is a good as any place to start. Biden has been in public service since 1970. I am not aware of a single verified ethics charge against him that entire time. The kinds of things people say with no facts to back them up on right wing TV and social media outlets should be ignored.

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Yes but there are many real but as of yet unverified ethics charges against Biden, not the least of which is the Biden crime family influence peddling scheme which will eventually be proven.

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I agree with every word of this. I think a lot of casual observer Americans tuned into the debate and were aghast that those two people were their two choices. A young, fresh face might really move the needle. I also wouldn't be surprised to see Roy Cooper as a VP candidate under this scenario.

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Harris Cooper - I like it! But a boost in Pennsylvania, Michigan or Wisconsin is probably a better move.

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